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我不确定我是否理解您的问题,但如果您尝试迭代json字符串,您可以尝试如下方法:import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsValue, Json}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object JsonParser extends App {
val postman_coolections = "./resources/scala_input.json"
val jsonifiedString = scala.io.Source.fromFile(postman_coolections).mkString
val json: JsValue = Try(Json.parse(jsonifiedString)) match {
case Success(js) => js
case Failure(ex) => throw new Exception("Couldn't parse json", ex)
case (key: String, value: JsValue)=>
println(s"Key:$key value:${value.toString}")
writeFile(s"$key.json", Json.prettyPrint(value))
//writing the whole postman input as a single file
writeFile("postmanInputFormatted.json", Json.prettyPrint(json))
writeFile("postmanInput.json", Json.stringify(json))
// To access individual property one option is to use this approach
val lookedValue = json \ "postData" \ "params" \ 1 \ "hello" \ "test"
lookedValue match {
case JsDefined(value) => println(s"Test value is $value")
case JsUndefined() => println("Didn't find test value")
// or
val lookedValueAlt = (json \ "postData" \ "params" \ 1 \ "hello" \ "test").getOrElse(throw SomeException)